Innovation governance |
- “Share, Remix, Reuse, -Legally-” is Creative Commons motto reused under Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0 Unported.
- “Enclose, Freeze, Prohibit, -Legally- ” is from Tru Dô-Khac under Creative Commons - Paternité-2.0 France
- The remixing into the above representation is inspired from an ancient poetic art from Vietnam.
Contacting the knowledge cell nurturer
- This page is a knowledge cell from The Archilogy Institute nurtured by Tru Dô-Khac , an independent consultant in IT and innovation governance and chairman of X-Propriété-Intellectuelle, "X-PI", (X-Intellectual-Property), a professional group addressing intellectual property matters within Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech alumni association. On X-PI agenda : IP(intellectual property) market places, impacts of renewed IP management on businesses, dynamics between IP policies and IT use.
- The Archilogy Institute is an open creative knowledge community addressing governance within the enterprises and the ecosystems.
Tracing the cell content
- Changed on June 24. 2010 to represent an ontology of innovation governance.
”Sharing, Remixing, Reusing, -Legally-, the cell content
"Innovation Governance" by Tru Dô-Khac est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage des Conditions Initiales à l'Identique 2.0 France.